How to Load Sub Remotes

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Sub-remotes is a new feature introduced with Vectir 3.5 that makes it possible to load remote profiles from within remote profiles. This tutorial shows how you can add sub-remotes to your own custom remote profiles.

Step 1
Make sure you are running version 3.5 or later of the Vectir server and mobile software. Note that this feature currently only works with the Vectir Android, Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10 mobile apps.

Step 2
Add a button control to your remote design for loading the sub-remote. Name the button control appropriately – “ButtonLoadSystemRemote” for example.

Step 3

Right click on the Command folder of your remote and select the ‘Add Load Remote Profile Command’ option. This will load the remote profile selection dialog.

Add Load Remote Profile Command

Step 4

Select the remote profile that you would like to load as a sub-remote then select OK.

Select Remote Profile

Step 5

A new load remote profile command should now be in the Commands folder of your remote. Right click on this command and select the ‘Add Touch Screen Event’ option

Select Touch Screen Event

Step 6

Select the event for the button that you would like to load the sub-remote then click OK.

Select Touch Screen Event

An event should now be mapped to your load remote button

Select Touch Screen Event

Step 7
That’s all there is to it. Load your remote profile on your remote device and test your sub-remote. Note that you can load sub-remotes down as many levels as are required.

One Response to “How to Load Sub Remotes”

  1. Alfie Says:

    Thank you for the simple and easy to understand tutorial. I now have quick access to all of my satellite receiver remotes from my parent remote.